Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 30 *5.6.10*

Day 29 *5.4.10*

When asked if I will let students use wikipedia, I have to answer yes. I would allow them to use this site to GET STARTED on their research. I will let them know that they may NOT use it as their main resource. Wikipedia is not a credible site becuase it can be changed. However, you get some great information and key words to help you gather more reliable facts for your paper. I don't think that teachers understand wikipedia is a great research TOOL. After reading the 4 ways to use Wikipedia I have a better understadning of this website and I myself learned how to use it better.

Day 28 *4.29.10*

Today we made the final decisions on which web site we wanted to validate. I chose the web site about the Velcro Crop. I Chose this website because when I looked at the title, I noticed it was from 2003. I had to wonder weather this web stie was still valid in today's society. I looked at the URL only to realize it was a .com. They are usually trying to see you something, so again I had to wonder if this was information or money driven. Now that I have done some studying on this validation topic, it has opened my eyes to how i look at information. If im going to write a research paper, I may want to think about the website I choose to use. That way my information is more accurate and I can get more inforation that is legitment.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 27 *4.27.10*

TOday in class we learned how to determine if a website is legitiment or not. We learned how to read URLs and use that information to help us undertand what kind of site it really is. We also started a project on this topic. I never knew that the URL could tell you so much. THis is something new I learned today in class. This satisfies:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning:
C: communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

You have to be able to determine weather the information is relevent to your topic and if the information is current and informational. If not than you are teaching students something that is wrong.

Day 26 *4.22.10*

Today in class we watched our fellow classmates present their smartboard projects. I have to say that I was not there due to a Gear-up activity. However I did learn through our project that there are many lessons that can be taught on a smartboard that will make the lesson/activity more fun for the kids. You can make a lesson interactive which in return makes the kids want to learn. They are great teaching tools if you know your equipment. They aren't easy to use unless you know what you are doing and I also learned that a 6-year-old can align a mimo bar faster than a college student. However, she was a great teacher for our group's problem.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 25 *4.20.10*

Today we worked on our presentations in class. We still had trouble with ours becuase the alignment was off and the pen wouldn't work right. Are smartboards worth the finacial investment you wonder. I don't think they are unless you spend just as much time and money on training the teachers to use them. Or the teachers should have to pass a test in order to have one in their class. It takes up waay to much time to get them fixed and ready to go, so i don't see a point in having one. I've seen many teachers not even use them. My High school got them donated to us for every class room and I can't remember any time that they used them. My Librarian used it alot, because she knew how to work the board. So my status on this is if the teacher can prove they know what they are doing than yes by all means but if not then no.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 24 *4.15.10*

Today we worked on our smartboard projects again. However it took our group the entire time to finally get the board to work. However using These Smartboards help teachers meet the ISTE-NET-T standard 2C: customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. As I learned through the reading that multiple learning styles can be taught using these whitboards. You can sutomize your lesson plan to adapt to your students learning needs, and the smartboard would help you do this. It has the visual aspect, as well as the hands on and tactile learners aspect.

Day 23 *4.13.10*

Today we learned about Smart Boards. They are White boards that are technologically advanced. They provide teachers a way to step out from behind the computer and teach the class from the front. One piece of evidence that I found from reading this information is that students are more engaged in the lesson and retain the information more. The more active the students become in the lesson the more information the store, and ar more likely to remember. Multiple learning styles are accomodated using this new technology. They are worth the educational investment.

However as i group tried to do out project using a MIMO Bar, we hav decided that they are only a good buy if you know how to use them. Knowing the settings of the technology will help you out, but if you don't then your entire lesson went down the drain. Having a backup plan would be good!

Day 22 *4.8.10*

Our webquest are finally finished!! It was a lot of hard work but it is complete! students that complete webQuests are developing 21st century skills. Learning and Inovations Skills are best satified here. Students must think creatively, Work Creatively with Others,Make Judgments and Decisions, Solve Problems, Communicate Clearly, and Collaborate with Others. All of these fall under the Learning and Inovation skills. There is not one specific standards that they are fullfilling by doing webquest because there are multiple aspects of the webquest that must be accomplished. In my webquest alone they have to Work Creatively with Others,Make Judgments and Decisions, and Collaborate with Others.

Day 21 *4.6.10*

Today we worked on remixing our webquest. As i work on this I get a better sense of how webquest work to help students learn through technology. Remixing a webquest or even creating your own webquest satifies 2A of the ISTE-NETs-T standards which is: design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.We are adapting relevant learning experiences for the grade level in which we would like to teach. Learning how to do this now saves me time in the future. Google site has helped alot with the creation of my site.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 20 *4.1.10*

Today in class we found our our webquest to revamp. We were told to look for a webquest that lacked some things. We used a rubric to decide which one wasn't the best choice and found a CSO to go along with it. I chose one about literature for 1st-2nd graders. In this web quest the kids are suppose to determine which books/stories are fairytales, folklore, and fables. They must invite ONLY fairytale guest to the ball and create a seating chart and guest list within their teams.The CSO I chose for this is RLA.S.1.1 reading.

Students will apply reading skills and strategies to inform, to perform a task and to read for literacy experience by

· identifying and using grade appropriate essential reading components (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, written application) and

· selecting a wide variety of literature and diverse media to develop independence as readers.

One thing that I want to change within this webquest is some of the terms used and the tasks portion seems a little confusing. I want to make it more simplified and to the point with more structure for the kids.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 19 *3.30.10*

Today we examined web quest. In groups of four we picked a job. Mine was the Efficiency Expert. This means I value time. To me a web quest should deliver the most learning in a short amount of time or if its long term than there should be alot of learning going on. In my opinion, the underground railraod was the best site. It gave you everything you needed to know. It outlined the paper project and had the most basic appraoch for learning. this project satifies ISTE NET standard 3b: locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. They have to research alot of information in a varity of ways and work as a group.

Day 18 *3.25.10*

Today we reviewed our Indians photostories. We have been helping them develop a creative story and now they have turned it into a photostoy with pictures. Doing this promotes the ISTE Net standard 1B students create original works as means of personal group expression. They used some of our ideas and their to complete a story and then used technology to bring it to life. This is a great idea and I would use this is my class in the future as a group project. Hopefully I will be able to utilize an older group of kids as we did during this project.

Day 17 *3.23.10*

Today in class we made a mini blog on Bruceton Five Ning. We had to research a few news stories and details that happened the day we were born. This is a great site to be a part of because it gives kids a safe place to talk. In trying to write this blog, I noticed that you can't google Bruceton Five Ning and you also cant add it as a gadget on your blog page. You have to have an invitation to join as well. This is a great safe site. On another note, this gives students a chance to research things on the internet. It helps them intergrate pics into a mini blog, communicate, and organize thier ideas effectively. These are all great 21st century skills to have! They can have a safe environment to express themselves and also show teachers them know their stuff!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 16 *3.11.10*

Creating a magazine cover in powerpoint helps develop a student's 21st century skills because it allows them to use a program, which they thought was designed for only one purpose in a more complex way. They now know how to use one program in multiple ways. They can also learn to pull in pictures from other places and do different designs as well. It basically broadens theie horizons.

Day 15 *3.9.10*

Today in class we examined two different magazine covers. Both of which had Arnold S. on them. We talked about how the fisrt cover varied in emotions from the second. They both illustrated a very different personality. One was more a tough guy while the other was more of a family man. We decided that the colors used on the illustration made the difference. Deconstructing and analyzing different media helps students develop 21st century skills because it makes them aware of how such things can influence them based on a few tiny details. It allows them to also make judgements and persuade them to view the object or person in the way the media wants it to look. It helps them to be more aware and cautious of these things.

We made our own magazine covers as well.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 14 *3.4.10*

Today in class we made a woordle. In the woordle we put a list of words that we thought described web 2.0. I choose: Technology, Creative, Teachers, Student, collaboration, Connections, Networking, Comptuer advancements, Engaging, and interactive. The bigger the work the means how important it is to web 2.0. In order to do this you must duplicate the word multiple times. The smaller the work the less important in my opinion.This meets learning and innovation because students who are prepared for the 21st century are more likely to get jobs. When using woordle, it gives students yet another creative way to learn. Success is everything in today's socitey and student who learn more earn more in my opinion. Giving kids a creative way to learn and think is a great way to get them to learn. I would use woordle in my classroom to help promote creative learning.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 13 *3.2.10*

Today in class we did many things. We blogged to our little Indians, and also learned about bookmarking within blackboard. When asked the question: "How does using Personal Bookmarks in Blackboard or on your Blogger promote Information and Media Literacy Skills", I have to answer it in many ways. Placing these bookmarks on blackboard will allow us to view tons information with a click of a button. We can go to a page that we view most often easier than searching and clicking multiple times. The second part says rapid in today's technology. Bookmarking is very new to many people including me. It is much easier to get a grasp on things that are older. With new coming around all the time, it gets harder to keep up with things. Bookmarking is a way to compile everything into one place. As a result of bookmarking, I have been able to keep track of the sites I need for multiple classes. Which has helped me succeed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Slide Share

Day 12 *2.25.10*

TOday in class we learned how to make a power point that is like a quiz. We asked a simple question and put two pictures on the screen. One is the right answer and the second isn't the right answer. We linked each picture to a slide that told them either they were right or wrong. After that we uploaded it on
This satifies Be Self-directed Learners:Go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own learning and opportunities to gain expertise. Students could use this program to create quizez. Then they can quiz each other before test and learn more. This could help students understand topic better through interaction with multimedia and other students. This is also an advanced program for younger students and if they can master it on their own then they can master anything.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 11 *2.23.10*

Today we FINALLY got to our little Indians. My Indian talked about finding a creepy fish. We started the second scene for them. Tomorrow they will pick on of three scenes and continue writting the story. We also started using new standards, For today this excersises meets the PRODUCE RESULTS :Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams. we are working with them to create a story on whatever their begining topic was.
* I would love to use this in my class room. Maybe have a high school near-by respond to their stories. It would make the kids happy with themselves and give them a sense of accomplishment. It is a great way to have them communicate as well and use technology effectively.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 10 *2.18.10*

Today we worked on our photo stories again. We used Photo story 3 to create a video about teaching. We took quotes and pictures off the internet and put them into animatied slides. This video project satisfies 2 A : design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. We designed a video that used photo story three to promote education.
I would use photo story three to maybe to do video autobiographies with the students. They could upload their own photos and narrate their stories. However I would not have them put it on youtube because of the personal information.

Day 9 *2.16.10

Today we talked about photo stories but unfortunetly I was absent :(

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 8 *2.11.10*

For the past 2 years, I have been a manager at Chick-fil-A. Both in Exton, Pa and Clarksburg, WV. In Exton I have help many meeting with my crew on how to better service and ensure that product was up to par. I been to many manager meeting in order to better myself as a manger which kept me up to date on the new events and ways of doing things. I have used this to teach my crew updates on our registers and updates on new cooking systems CFA has recieved. Videos have been incorporated in order for the team memebers to better learn their jobs and tasks as well. In my opinion this fullfills standard 5C:evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning. Because CFA is an everchanging cooperation we must learn new things everyday. We are tested on the information and on every position available. This is how we are evaluated on new techniques and equipment.

Visual learners can watch the videos and get a hands on feel for new subjects. It is a great way to learn new things. How ever verbal learners are also taught through videos. I could use videos and lecture to help my students learn new material.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 7 *2.9.10*

Throughtout most of my high school years we had to write many research papers. In the paper they required a works cited page. To do this out libraian taught us to use a web site that helped us create works cited in MLA format and other formats. This fullfills ISTE- net standard 4A: advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. We had to site many of the authors of books, web-sites, and documents that helped us gain an understanding of the material we were researching. Here at Fairmont State this would be the Citation Machine on the Libraries home page. If i were to assign a research paper, I would teach them how to use sites like this to assure the right set-up for their own wroks cited page.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 6 *2.4.10*

Today we skyped to 5th graders in Ca. We answered questions that they asked about autobiography and computer safety. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity, which is standard 2A. This activity satifies the standard because we used skype to help the students learn. They asked us questions and we answered them. They could see us as we talked to them and communicated the correct response to their questions. It helped them learn about computer safety and about autobiograpies. I would use this tool in my classroom because you can connect with people from different places and be able to learn through other people. Even in different states.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My graph Day 5 *2.2.10*

Today in class we did alot of things. We learned how to use google Docs and made a questionaire and a graph to show the results. The students in our class answered the questions to help give us results. This satisfies the ISTE net standard 3-D (model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.) It does this because we used new forms of internet tools such as google docs to create a questionaire form and from there we used a graphing site to help us creat a geraph online and not on paper. This is a great idea and i would use this in my class to help kids learn more about each other and about math. Considering this graph making was hard for me to do I can garuntee it will be hard for them to do as well if it is not taught correctly.

This is my Graph to show the amount of people that picked their perferred form of contacting people.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4 *1.28.10*

Today we joined a face book group called web 2.0 and classroom This is a group where not onlt our class can join but anyone can join and dicuss topics on technology in the classroom and other related subjects. In my opinion this falls under 1C-promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. We were able to reflect on topics on this page by commenting. We can also reply to other comments made on the same topic. This can help students think from other points of view and learn from others. I think this would be a great way to learn. It would make kids not so close minded towards different topics. It also allows teachers to see wheather or not the student understands the topic or not by the way they comment on it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 3 *1.26.10*

On day 3 we join a professional teaching community (classroom 2.0). This is a helpful site for teachers. You can find activities other teachers have done and discuss topics. This activity satifies ISTE NET standard 1- Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity, sub-standard D-model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.Because you can collaborate with other teachers about effective teaching strategies, i feel as though this fits perfectly. You can discuss way of teaching that were effective for you and may be effective for another teacher. I will most likely use this site or a similar site when I begin my teaching experiences bacause it can help me think of the unthinkable activities ( the activities I may not be able to think of something to do ).

Day 2 *1.21.10*

On day 2 we used google documents to create a resume for future jobs. In my opinion this satisfied ISTE NET Standard #1-Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity- sub-standard B-engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. Getting a job is a real-world issue. To get this you must have a resume. Making a resume on google documents can help a student accomplish this goal. I would use this in my class if I taught middle school or high school classes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 1 *1.19.10*

On the first day of class our teacher asked us to take out our phones (which NEVER happens) and text three things we knew about California to a certain number. After we did this, the text appeared on the projector screen. Once everyone had responded to the poll, we developed a woordle on the internet. The woordle took all of the words and basically put them on one screen. The bigger the word the more often it was used.In my opinion this meets Standard 3b. This is Model Digital-Age Work and Learning and collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. This fits this activity because we all put some effort into the project. It used everyone's text on one screen to present every thought we produced. The projector allowed everyone to see this as well.
This is a fun activity and I would use this in my classroom at some point to help present things in a way students could see each others work and thoughts on screen.

Monday, January 25, 2010
