Today in class we did alot of things. We learned how to use google Docs and made a questionaire and a graph to show the results. The students in our class answered the questions to help give us
results. This satisfies the ISTE net standard 3-D (model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.) It does this because we used new forms of internet tools such as google docs to create a questionaire form and from there we used a graphing site to help us creat a geraph online and not on paper. This is a great idea and i would use this in my class to help kids learn more about each other and about math. Considering this graph making was hard for me to do I can garuntee it will be hard for them to do as well if it is not taught correctly.

This is my Graph to show the amount of people that picked their perferred form of contacting people.
Just a reminder to post your answer to a fifth grader question to my blog ASAP! This must be done before class! The earlier the better so I have time to review your answer!
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent graph!