Today we FINALLY got to our little Indians. My Indian talked about finding a creepy fish. We started the second scene for them. Tomorrow they will pick on of three scenes and continue writting the story. We also started using new standards, For today this excersises meets the PRODUCE RESULTS :Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams. we are working with them to create a story on whatever their begining topic was.
* I would love to use this in my class room. Maybe have a high school near-by respond to their stories. It would make the kids happy with themselves and give them a sense of accomplishment. It is a great way to have them communicate as well and use technology effectively.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 10 *2.18.10*
Today we worked on our photo stories again. We used Photo story 3 to create a video about teaching. We took quotes and pictures off the internet and put them into animatied slides. This video project satisfies 2 A : design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. We designed a video that used photo story three to promote education.
I would use photo story three to maybe to do video autobiographies with the students. They could upload their own photos and narrate their stories. However I would not have them put it on youtube because of the personal information.
I would use photo story three to maybe to do video autobiographies with the students. They could upload their own photos and narrate their stories. However I would not have them put it on youtube because of the personal information.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Day 8 *2.11.10*
For the past 2 years, I have been a manager at Chick-fil-A. Both in Exton, Pa and Clarksburg, WV. In Exton I have help many meeting with my crew on how to better service and ensure that product was up to par. I been to many manager meeting in order to better myself as a manger which kept me up to date on the new events and ways of doing things. I have used this to teach my crew updates on our registers and updates on new cooking systems CFA has recieved. Videos have been incorporated in order for the team memebers to better learn their jobs and tasks as well. In my opinion this fullfills standard 5C:evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning. Because CFA is an everchanging cooperation we must learn new things everyday. We are tested on the information and on every position available. This is how we are evaluated on new techniques and equipment.
Visual learners can watch the videos and get a hands on feel for new subjects. It is a great way to learn new things. How ever verbal learners are also taught through videos. I could use videos and lecture to help my students learn new material.
Visual learners can watch the videos and get a hands on feel for new subjects. It is a great way to learn new things. How ever verbal learners are also taught through videos. I could use videos and lecture to help my students learn new material.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 7 *2.9.10*
Throughtout most of my high school years we had to write many research papers. In the paper they required a works cited page. To do this out libraian taught us to use a web site that helped us create works cited in MLA format and other formats. This fullfills ISTE- net standard 4A: advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. We had to site many of the authors of books, web-sites, and documents that helped us gain an understanding of the material we were researching. Here at Fairmont State this would be the Citation Machine on the Libraries home page. If i were to assign a research paper, I would teach them how to use sites like this to assure the right set-up for their own wroks cited page.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Day 6 *2.4.10*
Today we skyped to 5th graders in Ca. We answered questions that they asked about autobiography and computer safety. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity, which is standard 2A. This activity satifies the standard because we used skype to help the students learn. They asked us questions and we answered them. They could see us as we talked to them and communicated the correct response to their questions. It helped them learn about computer safety and about autobiograpies. I would use this tool in my classroom because you can connect with people from different places and be able to learn through other people. Even in different states.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My graph Day 5 *2.2.10*
Today in class we did alot of things. We learned how to use google Docs and made a questionaire and a graph to show the results. The students in our class answered the questions to help give us results. This satisfies the ISTE net standard 3-D (model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.) It does this because we used new forms of internet tools such as google docs to create a questionaire form and from there we used a graphing site to help us creat a geraph online and not on paper. This is a great idea and i would use this in my class to help kids learn more about each other and about math. Considering this graph making was hard for me to do I can garuntee it will be hard for them to do as well if it is not taught correctly.

This is my Graph to show the amount of people that picked their perferred form of contacting people.

This is my Graph to show the amount of people that picked their perferred form of contacting people.
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