Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 30 *5.6.10*

Day 29 *5.4.10*

When asked if I will let students use wikipedia, I have to answer yes. I would allow them to use this site to GET STARTED on their research. I will let them know that they may NOT use it as their main resource. Wikipedia is not a credible site becuase it can be changed. However, you get some great information and key words to help you gather more reliable facts for your paper. I don't think that teachers understand wikipedia is a great research TOOL. After reading the 4 ways to use Wikipedia I have a better understadning of this website and I myself learned how to use it better.

Day 28 *4.29.10*

Today we made the final decisions on which web site we wanted to validate. I chose the web site about the Velcro Crop. I Chose this website because when I looked at the title, I noticed it was from 2003. I had to wonder weather this web stie was still valid in today's society. I looked at the URL only to realize it was a .com. They are usually trying to see you something, so again I had to wonder if this was information or money driven. Now that I have done some studying on this validation topic, it has opened my eyes to how i look at information. If im going to write a research paper, I may want to think about the website I choose to use. That way my information is more accurate and I can get more inforation that is legitment.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 27 *4.27.10*

TOday in class we learned how to determine if a website is legitiment or not. We learned how to read URLs and use that information to help us undertand what kind of site it really is. We also started a project on this topic. I never knew that the URL could tell you so much. THis is something new I learned today in class. This satisfies:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning:
C: communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

You have to be able to determine weather the information is relevent to your topic and if the information is current and informational. If not than you are teaching students something that is wrong.

Day 26 *4.22.10*

Today in class we watched our fellow classmates present their smartboard projects. I have to say that I was not there due to a Gear-up activity. However I did learn through our project that there are many lessons that can be taught on a smartboard that will make the lesson/activity more fun for the kids. You can make a lesson interactive which in return makes the kids want to learn. They are great teaching tools if you know your equipment. They aren't easy to use unless you know what you are doing and I also learned that a 6-year-old can align a mimo bar faster than a college student. However, she was a great teacher for our group's problem.